HOS Ukraine Russia 2022Feb Instagram Post

The Current Crisis in Ukraine

February 25, 2022

Dear Miss Porter’s School Community:

I write to acknowledge the two-day-old attack on a sovereign nation in Eastern Europe. Overnight, we have watched the news unfold as people who call Ukraine home have been stripped of safety and security. We have become witnesses to the terror and panic of the Ukrainian people as Russia has invaded their country, launching the biggest land war in Europe since World War II. In what are already unprecedented times, this and other acts of aggression against sovereign nations bring even deeper uncertainty and fear to Europe, Asia, and the rest of our world. 

We are thinking about all, and especially members of the Miss Porter’s School community, that are directly or indirectly affected by these actions. We grieve for the families and friends of the hundreds of people who have already been injured or lost their lives. 

Our mission statement calls us to be “informed, bold, resourceful and ethical global citizens.” It is in times like these that we recognize how critical it is that we fully embody these principles in the education of our future leaders. Our work is fundamental to it.

Katherine G. Windsor, Ed.D.

On the Current Crisis in Ukraine
On the current crisis in Ukraine


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